WaltonChain: Master Chain, Side Chains, RFid, Real Use Case, ICOs

by otopenews
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Can you introduce yourself and your connection to Walton Coin?

Hello! My name is Schwager and I run wtcwaltonnews.com as well as work as a Knight of Walton for Waltonchain. The blog I run is purely my own analysis of the ongoings of the company and in no way shape or form an official representation of the company. My work as a Knight helps communicate to and manage the western facing communities on behalf of Waltonchain. Hopefully in the short future Knights will have a more concrete role.

In a nutshell, what is Walton?

Waltonchain is a blockchain project designed for big data solutions commonly used in IoT and RFID systems. Waltonchain overcomes many of the technical barriers associated with the communication between devices and the ability to secure the datasets. Imagine your Sony TV turning up the volume automatically as your significant other’s hair dryer turns on and amplify it to your everyday world. When you can imagine the possibilities of machines talk to machines safely, you begin to realize a future built on Waltonchain.

What is your estimated ROI for the masternodes?

That information hasn’t been shared by the company. However, the company has given out context clues. Most notably, when asked if a Guardian Masternode would return ROI higher than DASH’s masternode system, the team had to follow up to clarify a time period. This in context equates to between 8-18% a year for ROI.

What are your thoughts on the current Walton token price?

Placing a valuation on a blockchain technology that hasn’t made it to production is rather hard. If you were to take the coin at face value and remove speculation, the price is rather high. However, once you begin to factor in the team, the locked partnerships, the patents held by team members, and the scope of the business model, you begin to quickly question why it is priced so low.

When is the Walton genesis block estimated to start?

Current projections look to be mid to late January with a possibility of February if they encounter difficulty with the public beta.

Will masternodes be released with the genesis block?

The current time table suggests that Masternodes will be released as the chain becomes operational for its first users about a month after genesis block.

How will masternodes earn rewards?

The algorithm is a Proof of Work and Proof of Stake plus Trust system (PoW+PoST). The current formula is suggested to look like the following:

A = Guardian Masternode (GMN) Pool
B = Masternode (MN) Pool
C = PoS Pool
D = PoW + PoST (Coins in your wallet and time) rewards
GMN = A + B + C + D
MN = B + C + D
Normal miner = C + D
WTC holders (Not mining)= C

In what circumstances do you see assets crossing from one sub chain to another?

From my understanding, data does not cross child chains without first becoming merged into master. However, given the terminology used in the white paper it may be possible for child chains to manage their own child chains, similar to the structure of a tree with master being the trunk that everything grows from. Chains cannot change data from one branch to the next but will be able to access any data merged into master.

What are the main differences between the Walton main chain and the Walton sub-chains?

The parent chain is the public facing chain whereas companies can still secure the data on the child chains from public exposure.

Will the sub-chains have their own tokens?

Yes, they may even host ICOs of their own.

Apart from consumer clothing is Walton actively talking to other industry to enable to track their products better? (Diamonds)

Waltonchain could work to track anything better, currently it looks like the majority of the IoT solutions (made by CityLink) are catering closer to the smart city design than asset tracking for logistic companies. I would imagine a solution for logistics will come along much faster than entire cities run on Waltonchain, however.

Will Walton integrate into existing mainstream stock management software?

That would be up to the software hosts. Companies can do with Waltonchain as they best see fit.

Who are the main competitors to WaltonChain?

Likely, the only other chain doing Waltonchains scope is IOTA. Many people like to compare solutions such as VeChain, Modum, and Wabi to Waltonchain but that could not be further from the truth. VeChain in itself seems compatible to partner with Waltonchain by design scope and both Modum and Wabi seem like singular usecases that either VeChain, Waltonchain or IOTA could handle. There is nothing in their use cases that isn’t engulfed in a larger idea by one of the other blockchains.

Given Walton is a deflationary coin, will it become too expensive for companies to use the Waltonchain?

The transaction cost of using Waltonchain is not static. It can always be adjusted to best meet supply and demand.

In your opinion what are the biggest surprises in 2018 for the crypto market?

Smart cities. I truly believe the average Waltonchain and blockchain enthusiast do not realize how close to a reality where everything is automated and managed by machines. You should look into Xiamen Citylink IoT Technology when you get a chance and become familiar with the IoT solutions that Waltonchain is going to be run on for smart cities.

Where can our readers find you online?

I can be found on the official Slack, Waltonchain’s Reddit, and wtcwaltonnews.com

Would you like to add further information?

If you initially read about Walton and thought of a supply chain management solution, I highly encourage you to reread the white paper and think of a future where the world is run on Waltonchain.

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